©2013 Crytek (Germany)
PROJECT: Cinematic storyboards for Ryse: Son of Rome
DELIVERY: Storyboards
NOTES: RYSE: Son of Rome. Storyboards for the cinematic sequence called Mission VII, Cinematic 3, right after escaping the Colosseum. Dressed up as Damocles our hero encounters General Vitallion. They relocate to a safe place and talk. For the discussion scene I had almost only dialogue giving me lots of freedom – like introducing the dagger being rammed into the table. I’m also adding a sheet with comparisons to the final animation. As usual these are pencil on A4 paper, scanned and then annotated in Photoshop. Check out the full story of RYSE in the youtube link below. The scene from the boards can be found around the 1:20:00 mark.
RYSE: Son of Rome
Collosseum cinematic